The last day of the school holidays in winter can be a pretty dreary time. The kids are getting restless, school beckons, the weather isn’t that inviting and all the batteries are at.
Luckily the Western Community Centre organised 18 tonnes of snow, delivered on two massive trucks, to help turn the Elliott Park carpark into a winter wonderland.
Around 3000 attendees enjoyed everything the day had to o er with the snow, snow machines and talent quest the main attractions. Snowmen, snowballs, slipping and sliding were the order of the day. On top of all that, stalls from all over kept people busy once they were o the ice and scrumptious food and drink vendors.
The Western Community Centre wants to say a huge thank you to the 70+ volunteers that gave us a hand and made the day what it was. Thank you to The Southern Trust for assisting with funding and helping us keep the costs down for our families to attend. Thank you to the Hamilton City Council for supporting the event with equipment and resources.
Thanks to all the organisations that came along and supported the event. Thank you Ellie Skeet Freelance Artist for the great photos. Check more of them out on our facebook page along with all the photos from the Photo Booth.
And THANK YOU to everyone who attended and brought their children along it was great to see lots of happy faces!